So far automation and control in sewage treatment have been applied to only large sewage treatment systems investments made by city municipalities and sold as very expensive options. In the last 10-12 years these technologies have been available with adaptations for smaller treatment plants.
What is automation?
When it comes to automation of a sewage treatment plant, it is not just switching on and off of blowers and pumps that should be considered as automation, while the entire plant management should be controlled by the automation incorporating basic features such as,
1. Run time monitoring of each component in the STP- This helps the service provider and the client to plan for preventive service and maintenance of the plant
2. Monitor and record the compressor/ blower pressure and record the changes in pressure that would give an idea of health of blower and the diffusers
3. Back pressure from the diffuser- evaluate the aging of diffusers
4. Recording volume of treater water daily and cumulatively
5. Record failures such as mains/ power failure (date and time) and its rectification
6. Component failure alarming and rectification recording
7. Change from normal operation to energy saving operation during low flow or no flow conditions
With these basic options, a plant could be automated.
The above mentioned points also collect and record data in the controller that can be referenced and necessary informed actions can be initiated by user and service provider.
Additionally we have moved into IOT based approach in almost every aspect of our lives with the technology being accessible to all. So to have IOT as basic option for every STP give the advantage of accessing any STP from a central location. Experts can access data, analyse and do the necessary upgrades and changes to operation without going to the plant location or without having to depend on local support. Every EcoTec plant is equipped with a controller that is IOT enabled with data storage capabilities.