For capacities up to 500 KLD
Smart sewage recycling systems for communities and other buildings
Smart sewage recycling systems for communities and other buildings
Smart sewage recycling systems for communities and other buildings
EcoSBRclassic plants are the intelligent choice for small to fairly large communities. Sequence batch reactors (SBRs) are equipped with airlift units, ensuring reliable and clog-free water transfer within the system, resulting in highly efficient and dependable wastewater treatment. The absence of pumps and moving parts in treatment is a significant factor for low operation and maintenance costs.
EcoSBRclassic sewage treatment systems are treating wastewater in more than 1000 projects (10 KLD to 600 KLD) in India. So you can rely on this time-tested and proven technology for treating your sewage and wastewater too.

The necessary volume of sewage water from the collection tank is transferred to the SBR rector for aerobic treatment via EcoTec’s airlift unit.
Aeration in the SBR reactor activates the microbes, also called activated sludge, which consume the waste in the water. Aeration is sequenced as per the wastewater characteristics in the incoming water and also according to the quantity of wastewater in each batch.
Activated sludge settles to the bottom of the SBR reactor when the air supply is cut off, with a clear water zone appearing at the top. This clear water is ready to be taken out of the SBR reactor.
Clear Water Removal
Clear water with low suspended solids is removed from the SBR reactor for disposal or further treatment for reuse and recycling. A portion of settled sludge is removed for further storage/ disposal.

Filling + Clear Water Removal
Treatment commences when wastewater from the collection tank is pumped into the bottom SBR reactor in a flow-controlled manner. The anaerobic reaction starts the treatment of incoming wastewater. Simultaneously, clear treated water water is displaced from the top of the SBR/ aeration tank.
Within the aerobic granular sludge different zones, including anaerobic, anoxic, and oxic regions, are maintained while aerating the SBR reactor. Within these zones, microbes further break down and consume pollutants, contributing to effective wastewater treatment. Aeration is facilitated by measured and time-controlled fine bubble diffusion, optimizing the treatment process.
Once the aeration process is completed, the air supply is discontinued, and the fast settling sludge settles at the bottom of the reactor, leaving a clear water zone at the top, ready to be taken out of the aeration tank.

Filling + Clear Water Removal
Treatment commences when wastewater from the collection tank is pumped into the bottom SBR reactor in a flow-controlled manner. The anaerobic reaction starts the treatment of incoming wastewater. Simultaneously, clear treated water water is displaced from the top of the SBR/ aeration tank.
Within the aerobic granular sludge different zones, including anaerobic, anoxic, and oxic regions, are maintained while aerating the SBR reactor. Within these zones, microbes further break down and consume pollutants, contributing to effective wastewater treatment. Aeration is facilitated by measured and time-controlled fine bubble diffusion, optimizing the treatment process.
Once the aeration process is completed, the air supply is discontinued, and the fast settling sludge settles at the bottom of the reactor, leaving a clear water zone at the top, ready to be taken out of the aeration tank.

Filling + Clear Water Removal
Treatment commences when wastewater from the collection tank is pumped into the bottom SBR reactor in a flow-controlled manner. The anaerobic reaction starts the treatment of incoming wastewater. Simultaneously, clear treated water water is displaced from the top of the SBR/ aeration tank.
Within the aerobic granular sludge different zones, including anaerobic, anoxic, and oxic regions, are maintained while aerating the SBR reactor. Within these zones, microbes further break down and consume pollutants, contributing to effective wastewater treatment. Aeration is facilitated by measured and time-controlled fine bubble diffusion, optimizing the treatment process.
Once the aeration process is completed, the air supply is discontinued, and the fast settling sludge settles at the bottom of the reactor, leaving a clear water zone at the top, ready to be taken out of the aeration tank.

Filling + Clear Water Removal
Treatment commences when wastewater from the collection tank is pumped into the bottom SBR reactor in a flow-controlled manner. The anaerobic reaction starts the treatment of incoming wastewater. Simultaneously, clear treated water water is displaced from the top of the SBR/ aeration tank.
Within the aerobic granular sludge different zones, including anaerobic, anoxic, and oxic regions, are maintained while aerating the SBR reactor. Within these zones, microbes further break down and consume pollutants, contributing to effective wastewater treatment. Aeration is facilitated by measured and time-controlled fine bubble diffusion, optimizing the treatment process.
Once the aeration process is completed, the air supply is discontinued, and the fast settling sludge settles at the bottom of the reactor, leaving a clear water zone at the top, ready to be taken out of the aeration tank.